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LovingKindness for Parents

Lovingkindness Meditations are a gentle and calming way of building more love and compassion for yourself and people around you. For many people, it's easier to feel love and compassion for others when they are acting in ways we want them do. But many of us find it more challenging to feel the same love and compassion when we are faced with poor behavior choices of ourselves and others. As mentioned in the previous post (Building Compassion-- click here), these practices are known a Metta Meditations.

In this LovingKindness for Parents Meditation, you will be invited to build your sense of love and compassion as a parent. By using this exercise, and exercises like this one, we can cultivate greater patience, acceptance, and compassion for our children, ourselves as parents, and our families. Click below to watch now.

For parents interested in building their ability to parent with greater compassion, patience, and love, sign up for one of our upcoming Mindful Parenting Classes.

mindful parenting

These 1/2 day seminars will provide you with skills you need to apply mindfulness practices to your parenting. Mindful Parenting has been shown to decrease parental stress, depression, and anxiety in addition to cultivating growth, security, and emotional wellness in children.

You may also download this and other meditations on the DIY & Meditation Downloads Page.

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    Dr. Chris Marrero           

    469-585-4080 (call/text) 




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    Santa Monica, CA 904035

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