Proud to be one of LA's "Most Inspiring Stories"
Earlier this week, I had the privilege of being featured in an article in Voyage LA. A couple of months ago Voyage LA reached out to ask...
Quiet Zone
Shhh. Be still. Surround yourself with quiet. Breathe. Reflect. These moments are essential. Growth takes so much energy. It's...
Calm the Mental Chatter
So many of the people that come in for therapy talk about the difficulty in shutting off their minds. They're often caught in the endless...
Life's too short to spend it in the bathroom
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects an estimate 11% of the world. In as many as 2/3 of the cases, the causes are unknown and treatment...
Quick Tip: Using Behavior & Emotions to Boost Mood
Remember this from this week's Thought Changing video? (if not, go back and watch now for quick a refresher) Although the video focused...
Change your thoughts, change your life
Do you find that you get stuck in your thoughts? Maybe you find yourself worrying about a conversation you had or replaying something...
Quick Tip: Breathe in Peace
Let's build on the Breathing Tool earlier this week. (Didn't have a chance to watch it yet? No problem! Click here) Find a quiet place...
Gasp! Breathing helps you live longer (and other slightly less obvious facts about breathing)
For being one of the things we do every day, all day long, breathing doesn't get enough time in the lime light for just how important it...
Anxiety 101
Everyone feels anxiety. It's a normal part of the human experience. Think about it: it's super helpful when you're hiking in the woods...
Get Better Sleep
At some point, all of us struggle with sleep. Maybe you're worried about something, drank too much coffee in the day, or feel off for...